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Kristan Harrington

Kristan Harrington has been an educator specializing in MRI since 1998. She worked as an educator with Philips Healthcare for almost 12 years. She held a full time faculty appointment at Emory University School of Medicine leading the MRI Bachelor's Degree Program. Kristan is the Senior Associate with William Faulkner & Associates providing both MRI educational and consulting services. She speaks at conferences nationally for many vendors including, MTMI, NWIF, Siemens, Philips, Bracco and Medtronic. Kristan is also developing bachelor degree programs in MRI for universities who are moving in that direction. Kristan earned her Associate's degree in Radiology Technology in 1996 and her Bachelor's Degree in Medical Science Education, with honors from Emory University in 1997. She then received her Master's in Business Administration in 2010. MTMI is proud to have Kristan share her knowledge with our students.

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